Saturday, October 22, 2011

Guide to crying

A while ago, there was a talk radio topic that stirred both the djs and listeners alike. Is it acceptable for a man to cry? Let's say you're on a first date... it's a sad movie... and your date starts weeping next to you. Yay or nay?

I claim awkward. No. Not acceptable.

I know, I know. 2007 me is shaking my head in shame. But really. On a first date?!?

If you ask me, there are only 4 times it is acceptable for a man to cry

  1. Getting kicked in the groin. No man seems to be able to explain this feeling... but I have seen men cry over being kicked in the crotch. Does not look or sound fun. A few tears are acceptable.
  2. Funerals. 
  3. YOUR own wedding. 
  4. Very specific extenuating circumstances... likeeee you got laid off from your job, have six kids to feed, and your house is going to be repossessed. Or they just discontinued your all time favorite ice cream flavor. Or you're fasting and sit through a very depressing story of a sea lion dying from pollution. 
Ok, but in all seriousness. I do think it is okay to cry... just as long as the man doesn't cry more than I do.  I want to know that my man can be strong for me when I can't. And crying on a first date gives off a very "I'm more emotional than you" kind of vibe. And I don't know any woman who wants a man who is more emotional than them. At least we have the excuse of estrogen.

Crying in movies: Ok. But only if it's a super sad movie, I'm blubbering and sobbing like the Hoover Dam breaking.

My roommate's rule of thumb for men crying? Acceptable at one specific occasion:
"The funeral of your wife or child. NO EXCEPTIONS"
I then read him my list. And he scoffed at it.

To be fair, I think the rule goes both ways... Women should not cry on a first date. Besides, that's totally going to mess up your make-up and make you look like you have ecchymosis. Nott super cute.
Although this raccoon is super cute

Alright. I feel like I've been moving at 100 miles per minute this week. Hopefully I find some more to blog. ALAS. Thanks for taking the time to read. Have a great weekend y'all.

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