- It. Is. Freezing. The clear blue sky is
deceiving, for when you peak your head outside to check the weather- just know
that the bone chilling wind is waiting around the corner for you. Do not be
fooled into thinking you will be safe with a simple California jacket.
- If people tell you “It’s ok, lots of people
speak English there”. They are lying. No one speaks English. And when you tell
them you’re sorry, you don’t understand Japanese- they will continue to speak
Japanese to you. Really fast, no less. Just smile, and say Arigato Gozymas! That’s what I do and it seems to be working out
fairly well for me.
- We are
fat. Now, I don’t think I’m fat. This isn’t some woe is me cry for attention. But as my stomach cried for a second
ice cream last night, Ai and Robert claimed they were so full, so full from the
tiny excuse for an ice cream cone. So… we’re obese. Me and my endless stomach
for sweets.
- You need a friend. Preferably one that is
bilingual. OR BETTER YET, one that speaks fluent English with some Japanese and
his cute girlfriend who speaks fluent Japanese and some English. And it’s preferable
that they show you the best places to eat/survive/buy cheap stuff around town.
This is one big fat CHECK MARK that
we have (score).
- Be kind and polite. Because the Japanese are
some of the most polite people I have ever met. No one crowds, pushes, glares,
or does anything remotely rude (at least not that I’ve seen…yet). OH! And no
one litters. There is not a black disgusting gum mark on the ground. Weird
thing is, there are no trash cans around either. John and I usually end up with
pockets full of the day’s trash since there’s nowhere to throw it out. Awkward?
Maybe… We just don’t want to be the ignorant foreigners
- You will be a giant here. Like…. I am taller than most people here. It’s
- Produce costs an arm and a leg… but holy crap,
my 298¥
orange was the best one I’ve ever had.
And now... pictures!!!
Team J |
Double date! With the second cutest couple in the world |
Yaki Niku! SO DELICIOUS!!! |
Amazing kare buns. Perfect for chilly mornings |
Everything is so stinking cute here!! |
First grocery store experience! Only half is instant stuff |
Until next time friends... I'll leave you with this very awesome picture. This is what trying new stuff looks like (sometimes).
"It's good Jaquielyn! Try it!!" It was actually just mochi |
Tango! so fun :) I am glad you guys are adjusting! Peter is very jealous you are in Japan!I asked him too about the trash cans and he said he never saw trash cans and people just took trash home, ha. I also thought I saw a picture of you in a TOMS catalog with a story about at guy named John Whitledge who made sunglasses with arrows? It's a pic of 5 people sitting on top of a bus with the sunglasses on and I swear you are in it :) Let me know!