Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sushi and The Water Incident of 2012.

We decided on sushi for a late lunch. Now, keep in mind it was around 2:30 PM and we hadn’t had any water to drink all day. We sat down at the table and there is a faucet for hot water. The screen is all digital and our sushi arrived to us on some sort of “bullet train” system. It was all pretty neat until I realized how parched I was. Looking around for iced water (because boiling hot water was the exact opposite of what I wanted), and Robert said “Uhhh, I don’t think they do that here?” My heart sank a wee bit but I settled on apple juice.  It was fantastic but only came in a tiny juice box, and I had to think about when to ration the sweet precious nectar. John asked for a sip, and I tried not to glare at him as I stubbornly handed the box over to him.
Bullet train delivers sushi from the kitchen
Touch screen to order, call over the waitress, everything!
Apple juice... temporary relief
As I looked around at all the kanji/hiragana/jibberish while trying not to be disgusted by the mayonnaise on everything, I felt myself start to really warm. What have I gotten myself into? One whole year?!? What was I thinking? I can’t even get cold water at a restaurant, what else am I going to be incapable of? All I could think of was how insanely thirsty I was and all the things I had left behind. The look on my face must have been quite panicked because Robert and John both asked me if I was doing ok. Both had the decency not to call attention to my minor freak out and Robert calmly asked for a pitcher of ice cold water. I drank the refreshing liquid of life and felt relief wash over me. John finally laughed and said “Look at how much better she looks now that there’s water!” 
Hamburger sushi... with mayo of course

On the walk home, every five minutes was peppered with comments of “OH NO Jaquielyn, we don’t have water! Are you going to be ok?!?” And thus was labeled “The Water Incident of 2012”. 

omg. water
 So all you can relax at home... I got my water and I know I will be ok. The convenience stores are chock full of the Japanese snacks I used to LOVE growing up... seeing nori on potato chips gets me way excited and if all else fails, I will survive on 7-11 food.


  1. HAHAHA. I think you forgot to mention we had access to water all day, somebody just didn't drink any. Nonetheless I'm glad you have recovered.

  2. Hi Jaquielyn! I am so excited for you on your new and latest adventure in life!! (It's your Aunt Reiko from Rancho Cucamonga) I wish we could've seen you before you left for the year, but I wish you the very best there! Keep us posted....Auntie Reiko
