Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My dad

Well, it’s a bit late but I definitely wanted to do this.

This is for my dad.

Once, someone asked him how old his children were. Josh and I were 16 and 19 at the time, but my father responded with “Uhhh… they’re 11 and 14”. I’m pretty confident that if you asked him today, he’d still give you answer that sets us back about five years.

He’s got a terrible memory. Like really really terrible. He can’t remember my friends’ names to save his life, he can’t remember how old his own children are, but he always remembers the important things.
Our favorite stadium: Fenway Park
  •  On Friday nights (after cheering at the football game), I would be at home shining my boots, ironing my uniform, and studying codes in preparation for my CHP Explorer meeting the next morning. As I would whine, cry, and complain about how tired I was, he would silently grab my boots and start shining them. He would tell me to get some rest. I grumbled about how it wasn’t fair, I should be out at the football-cheer party too! All the while, my father silently shined my boots until they were mirrors.
  • He missed at least 4 Superbowls to sit through cheer competitions, braving the thundering music, screaming teenage girls, and over-priced stadium food just to wear a red “Tesoro” shirt and cheer me on. Even after a 24 hour shift, if he could be there, he WAS.
  • He’s used every lopsided, misshapen, uneven ceramic creation I’ve ever made for him
  • When my Mom was going through dialysis and had to have her diet cut to a ridiculous amount of calories + disgusting mush, he put the whole house on the same diet so my Mom wouldn’t feel left out.
Gave him the stole- couldn't have done it without him
He's patient, kind, and the most over-protective father the world will ever know. Thanks for always calling to check up on me, send me messages reminding me to take study breaks, and footing the bill to many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches over the years.Thanks for teaching me how to ride a bike, how to shine my boots so they are mirrors, and fold my shirts so they have the creases we like. Thanks for teaching me how to ride a motorcycle before I could drive and always always always being there for me. Thanks for always telling me how proud you are of me. I hope you know that I'm proud of you to. Thanks for protecting me always and never failing to step up when (and even when you're not) needed. You're my hero.

To the best dad in the world: Happy [belated] Father's Day. I love you.

Christmas 2009: We went skydiving over the North Shore of Oahu together
 Booya! Did your Dad skydive with you? Coolest dad ever, amiright?


  1. I love this post! It's really sweet.

  2. What an absolutely loving tribute to your father! Well-said, and so heartfelt! Aunt Rei

  3. Hey Jax,
    That was beautiful just like you. Always loved your to work ;-)
