Friday, September 7, 2012

Summer Adventures: Koh Phang-an continued

The next couple days were paradise. We ate lunch on the beach, bathed in the crystal clear, perfectly lukewarm waters of the beach [only slight drawback: be careful of the sea lice!]. We found a restaurant that showed FRIENDS continuously (yep, our new favorite place), shopped till we dropped, met new friends, ran into old (ok, ran into ONE of Emma’s friends. But across the world and on a beach full of hundreds of people? That’s a pretty impressive find). They were glorious days. I think one of my favorite (if not THE favorite) experience was the boat trip we took.
new friends + Cat, Emma's friend from home
            We knew we wanted some sort of excursion, something that included lunch (obviously) and awesomeness. We booked the cheapest boat trip we could find and headed down to the beach early in the morning. After carrying our stuff above our head through four feet of water, we boarded the monster ship in the bay. We were treated to different beaches around the island, snorkeling (I will now fully disclose that I SUCK at treading water. This fact sometimes taints the first few moments of snorkeling in PANIC), authentic pad thai on the beach, sunbathing on Bottle Beach, and ended on a “hike” to the waterfall. Well, it’s not really a hike if you can do it in a bathing suit and flip flops, right? The trip was all-inclusive of bottled water, spirits, fresh fruit, and freshly cooked onion rings (best I’ve ever had). Also included: the most interesting gathering of people. There were the old couple (ok not OLD, but on an island of 20 year olds, it’s quite easy to be old there) who rudely shouted at the driver because she couldn’t understand him. There were the teachers on summer break (seemed to be most people’s story), and then there were the strippers moonlighting as synchronized swimmers. All made for a very entertaining day.
We're on a boat!
            It was an amazing day, but the waterfall was a bit of a letdown. When you’ve been treated to sights of Yosemite Falls for most of your life, other things just aren’t as impressive. They might as well of pushed two pebbles together, poured some water on THAT and called it a waterfall. Plus, the water was the murky pond of my nightmares. People hopped in without a care, while I was the lame tourists who sat on the rock and flicked the water with my big toe. On the hike back, I noticed a small wet brown thing stuck to a girl’s leg. I pointed it out to her, she flicked it off and immediately asked me “Do you think it was a leech?” Yeah, SUPER GLAD I didn’t get in.
Yosemite Falls has ruined my life.
            We spent the rest of the night on an epic quest for onion rings (courtesy of yours truly). We went to restaurant after restaurant looking for a batch of perfectly crispy and savory deep fried rings. Four restaurants later… we were there.
First onion ring place [fail]. Plus we were photobombed
 That's all for today! [ironically, that's the same line I use to end my classes when I teach]. I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed with the amount of TIME it is going to take to blog all this. If this were someone else's blog, I'm not sure I would even read it. Buttt it's only day 3. Can't give up now, right?!
view of Haad Rin beach

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