Monday, November 7, 2011


I'm not an easy person to love. I'm argumentative, I'm stubborn, I'm impatient beyond belief. I am always right.I get extremely grumpy if hungry or tired. Both is a lethal combination. I can be the biggest brat you've ever met.

December 2008, "perfect date" at SeaWorld

The amount of stress that has been going on has turned me into a monster. Work gets the best of me (the professional, put-together, composed part)... and recently John has gotten the worst of me. The stressed out, over worked, underfed, grumpy, exhausted me who whines and cries.
June 2009, UC Davis graduation

Sounds like real fun right? He has been such trooper. In the calmer moments... after I have some food and rest, and before the storm starts again, I realize just how lucky I am.
August 2010, dancing on my birthday in Davis

Dear John,
Thank you for being the better half to my madness. Thank you for staying calm when I run around like a chicken with my head cut off. Thank you for not batting an eye when I get emotional or stressed or irrationally upset. Thank you for standing by me for the past three years, through various moves, career changes, and all the craziness that I throw at you. Every day, it amazes me that you are willing to put up with me... and that you love me for it.

I know you hate it when I post gushy stuff like this... so I'll stop here (for everyone's sake).

July 2011, my grandparents' 50th anniversary
Happy 3 years babe. I love you.

PS. CONGRATULATIONS  on completing your internship!!! I am ridiculously proud of you. You have definitely made a difference in so many peoples lives, whether it has been saving their life or distracting a four year old from a mean guy with an IV or just being a therapist. The crazy hours, the never-ending shifts, and hard work has finally come to an end. You are supa bad ass and I hope to be half as cool as you someday :) We shall fest on pffffff chang's tonight to celebrate!!!!


  1. HAPPY Anniversary!!!! So glad you guys could get out and celebrate :)

    I still sometimes can't believe that Peter really loves me through all of my craziness. We have great boys Tang!

  2. Awww. Thanks sweet-heart. I love you very much, even if you are stubborn sometimes. Cant wait to see where the next 3 years takes us.

    PS. Thanks for all the support during the last couple years of training. Couldnt have done it without you and all your help studying, and making posters, and love.

    Love ya.
