Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Quest

Well, if you haven’t caught on- I’ve apparently slowed down to posting on Fridays. If you can believe it, I have THREE jobs right now. I know it sounds impressive, but I’m really only working two. More on that later.

I have a slight food obsession. I can’t tell you exactly when or how it happened (of course, I have the natural tendency to blame my parents. More precisely, my father- the chief chef), but my love affair with food has been a constant in my life.

John likes to tease me about it. The hours spent hovering over the pantry, lost time with the open fridge and freezer door are now referred to my “quest for food”. Yep, he gets a lot of enjoyment out of calling it that. I lie in bed, fantasizing about warm fluffy bread dipped in egg batter and grilled to golden perfection. Topped with a smothering of powdered sugar and maple syrup= heaven. Yes, I expect there to be an endless supply of fresh french toast in heaven. It’s seriously amazing that I am not morbidly obese.

And don’t even think about crossing me when I am hungry. I regress to a two-year old, whining and complaining that my stomach is ACTUALLY eating itself, I am so dramatic. And so soooooo attractive.

But all that is about to change- the “quest” has been put on hold, and I am currently taking scrounging lessons from the King of Scrounging himself. You give that kid ketchup, he can make a meal out of anything (I’ve seen it). Grilled cheese is the current staple of our lives… breakfast, lunch, dinner, midnight snacks. I’ve been content so far.

We’ve been having a lot of life changes recently, cutting back on food expenses being one of the many. But one of my best girlfriends (we called eachother “sister” in high school) taught me to always remember what you DO have. Focus on the happiness in your life, the rest of the stuff will seem smaller.

I am so thankful to all my friends who keep up with me on this blog- especially those who contact me with words of encouragement. I can count at least five faithful readers, (while some of them are surprising- oh the wonders of facebook) I am SO grateful for your support and love.

No matter what you are up to this weekend, I hope it is full of happiness and people who make you joyful. 

Shelby- sweetest dog of my life. Impossible to be unhappy with her around.
Thanks for the loan, Chris :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE you Tango!! You will always by my sister :) Gotta love the times when you have to cut back in order to pay for...everything, haha. And that is a cute dog! we can't wait to get one!
