ALRIGTY Then. Let’s start with numberrr 1.
1. List 20 random facts about yourself
OKKKK. Seems kinnndd of repetitive from that facebook- 30-day-challenge thing I did a couple years back but what the heck. My facts will (hopefully) be different.
I'm a two year old |
1. I have a stuffed animal dolphin named J-Shark. But the J is silent, so it’s said just like shark. Embarrassing, right? The summer before I left for Hawaii, John took me on a date to SeaWorld. We played one of those arcade games and John let me win so I could keep the dolphin. Jokingly, John said “How funny would it be if his name was Shark?” Annndd it stuck.
2. I have this weird (and super annoying) knack to sing the theme to tv shows. ALL TV SHOWS. I’m sure I’ve told this story before, but one night while I was passed out cold, John put on some of The Office to help him sleep. Allegedly I started humming the theme song IN MY SLEEP. Is that creepy, or what?
3. On the right side of my mouth, about half an inch down from my bottom lip. I have a scar from where my tooth went clean through my lip. Cheerleading isn’t hardcore? That’s pretty much a mild story compared to others I have heard (a girl’s two front teeth got knocked out, she kept going and cried because she didn’t smile, a guy broke his leg, could see his bone sticking through his skin and he pushed through the remaining 90 seconds of his routine because his team depended on him, etc, etc…).
4. I will quote FRIENDS. Randomly and constantly. Standing in line at the grocery store, I re-enacted an entire scene. John usually pays attention, trying to figure out what THE HECK is going on until A)I drop one of the character’s names or B)He recognizes the scene and realizes that there is pretty much nothing he can do except wait it out. Poor guy.
(DANG!! I’m only at 5!?? 15 to go? I’m going to start doing shorter facts)
5. I have to touch the roof of the car if we go through a yellow light. I picked up the habit in high school, and for some reason I can’t seem to stop. It’s almost some compulsion I have
6. Besides being moody and eating chocolate like it’s going to be discontinued, I also PMS by having an obsession with organization and cleanliness. I will break a sweat cleaning the stove and making sure it is SPOTLESS before I can sleep. My shirts suddenly need to be re-organized into style, and then by color. It’s insane.
(Ok, they are going to get even shorter)
7. I love the color red
8. I hate odd numbers
9. My favorite number is 8
10. Being at Costco when it’s crowded makes me hate the world. I hate people, I vow to NEVER have children, and having a cart imprinted into my backside makes me feel like The Hulk. YOU DON’T WANT TO SEE WHAT I’M LIKE WHEN I’M ANGRY
11. If I’m hungry, I turn into a legitimate monster. I will snap and sulk if I’m haven’t been fed in the past four hours. I would glare laser eyes at John when he would immediately ask “Ok, when is the last time you ate?” every time we got into a fight. Buttttt turns out he was right.
12. I love to bake. Cookies are my favorite, but I truly just LOVE mixing, rolling, timing the oven temperature and cooking time perfectly… plus it’s a sweet product when you’re done
13. If you put on FRIENDS, I really don’t mind folding laundry, doing dishes, any household chore really. It seems to make the task go by faster. If you had hours of FRIENDS loaded for me, I would sweep and mop your floors with pleasure.
14. I have constantly owned a pair of Rainbows Sandals since high school. It’s one of those things that I NEEDDDD
15. I am terrible at sports. My hand-eye coordination is beyond atrocious. People are a lot easier to catch than balls.
16. I always wave “Sorry” or “Thank you” to cars when I’m driving
17. I can’t stand the stench of cigarette smoke. Living in Japan is forcing me to grow accustomed to it, since everyone smokes like a chimney here
18. It drives me INSANE if someone next to me shakes their leg like it’s having it’s own independent seizure. Probably one of my biggest pet peeves.
19. I have this really weird fear/love of public speaking. I’ll be shaking, about-to-urinate-myself nervous right before, but after I love the thrill and the high from it. And secretly, I don’t think I’m all too shabby at it.
20. I eat my skittles in rainbow color. I’m strangely neurotic about it… I will divide them into groups, one of each color. And then I’ll start with the group that has the least amount of colors and end with the groups that have ALL the colors.
I bet you learned more about me than you ever wanted. Anddd now you know a little more about how weird/crazy/strange I am.